Abolish Secret Services – Freedom Not Fear!
In the light of new disclosures about the NSA member of DIE LINKE party executive committee, Halina Wawzyniak, renews the demand to abolish secret services and calls for taking part in the demonstration „Freedom not Fear“. She declares:
Time and again we are taken aback by news about the NSA. This time it’s news about the NSA allegedly having cracked internet encryption systematically. But actually this news does not really suprise. Secret services – thus this is not a problem solely about the NSA – will use any technical means possible to get access to information. Secret services need to be abolished because they are beyond control.
Against surveillance mania not just by state offices but also private corporations there will be a demonstration in Berlin Alexanderplatz tomorrow, 13 September 2013 at one o’clock. As for many years before DIE LINKE will again take part in „Freedom not Fear“ and calls for participation in the demonstration. The current events are one more occasion to take to the streets against any kind of data retention and internet surveillance.