After the coup: The Bundeswehr must be withdrawn
In view of the situation in Mali, Jörg Schindler, Party Secretary of DIE LINKE, urges a rapid withdrawal of the Bundeswehr (German army):
The Bundeswehr must be withdrawn from Mali immediately. Already after the last coup, the legitimacy of military support was doubtful. The renewed coup has eliminated the last remnants of civil society co-governance. It is irresponsible to continue training fighters of a military government in this situation. There are also credible reports of defectors to Islamist militias who were trained by the Bundeswehr. This shows: Military training missions are not a contribution to peace.
On the contrary, the fact is that the Bundeswehr's operations in Mali have further exacerbated the problems in Mali. The region can only become peaceful if poverty is fought. This is the only way to create civilian perspectives, especially for the young generation, and thus a realistic alternative to the militias. Germany must play a supporting role here and in the democratisation of the country.
Even the former colonial power France is considering a withdrawal. It must be the same for the Bundeswehr. The withdrawal of the Bundeswehr is necessary and overdue.