Attack on Ukraine: Stop the war!
Summary of the Resolution of the Party Executive Board
Down with Your Arms!
No to War, no to the violation of international law!
For deescalation and disarmament!
Attack on Ukraine: Stop the war!
Putins army is attacking Ukraine. DIE LINKE opposes this aggression. We reject war as a means of politics. Our solidarity lies with the people on site suffering from this war for control for a long time already, and are now brutally hit by combat actions.
During the last years NATO contributed to the escalation by armament and enlargement plans. Yet: the recognition of the "peoples republics" and the attack of Russian military are no "peace mission" but against international law and acts of militarism. Putin made it clear that he stands for an aggressive nationalism. We take a stand against this.
The security and independence of Ukraine need to be reinstalled. The people must no more be made the pawn of geopolitical interests. We need to escape this spiral of escalation from which only defence contractors are profitting.
There needs to be a policy change; for non-violent conflict resolution, social balance and cross-border cooperation. Therefore, we call for nation-wide protests:
An end to armament! Down with the arms! Peace now!
We demand
- an immediate withdrawal of the Russian army!
- the use of all available diplomatic options to deescalate! The implementation of the Minsk agreement remains the goal.
- an agreement on military-free security corridors at the Ukrainian-Russian border as well as at the border of Russia and NATO member states.
- the protection of refugees. Open the borders! Immediately stop deportations and push-backs from the EU to the crisis region. Friendly admission of conscientious objectors.
- a new European security architecture and an end to any great power politics!