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Tobias Pflüger

Drones Are Killing Weapons in the Hands of the State

The party executive committee of DIE LINKE at the weekend unanimously agreed on supporting the appeal of peace and civil rights movements against establishing drones technology for war, surveillance and oppression. To this Tobias Pflüger, member of the party executive committee declares:

The federal government still plans to purchase, produce and deploy combat drones. At the moment the debate only deals with the question which kind will be purchased and that the Bundestag shall deal with it after the federal elections. Drones are killing weapons in the hands of the state. Combat drones would further fundamentally change the conduct of war. DIE LINKE refused combat drones consequently from the start and will use any parliamentary and non-parliamentary means  to prevent the introduction of these automised killing machines to the federal army. DIE LINKE fundamentally rejects the purchase, production, and deployment of combat drones.