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Gesine Lötzsch

Euro Bonds will come

To the row between the CDU and FDP on the issue of Euro bonds the chairwoman of the party DIE LINKE, Gesine Lötzsch says:

DIE LINKE demands Euro bonds for a long time as a means to get out of the Euro crisis. But the Chancellor and her Minister of economy continue to struggle against this useful measure to rescue the Euro. They are afraid of their own parties, in which ideology prevails over economic expertise. We must experience, that the Chancellor every time reacts when the horse already has left the barn. She only responds to catastrophes. That was the case with Greece as well as Fukushima. Such a catastrophe-style government will cost the tax payers dearly.

Euro Bonds alone are not enough. The markets need clear rules. The neo-liberal governments are afraid of implementing these rules, because first they had to abandon any financial dependency on the financial industry. Since Lehmann collapsed three years ago, nothing effective has been done to get the financial markets under control. On the contrary, the overwhelming power of financial markets is more threatening than ever. Rating-agencies play God and terrify millions of people.

This can not go on anymore. DIE LINKE demands from the Federal Government and the governmental parties to toss the neo-liberal concepts overboard and finally put the financial markets in their place. A first step had to be the imposition of a financial transaction tax. The revenue from such a tax would immediately stabilize the Euro and make all anti-social cutback packages redundant.