Future Power-Supply Can Only Be Warranted by Using Regenerative Resources
The Environment Minister of Germany, Gabriel, insists on building new coal-burning power plants and is attacking the opponents. Wolfgang Methling, member of the Board of DIE LINKE, declares:
The building of new coal-burning power plants stands in total opposite to climate protection goals. The resistance against new coal-burning power plants does not mean to pave the way for longer term-time for nuclear power stations. But the protest wants to show the necessity to develop and use more renewable energies.
Environmental organisations, greens, many more civil forces (as trade-unionists or Christians), competent and responsible academics, politicians and entrepreneurs: they all have recognized that new coal-burning power plants will lead in to a blind alley. DIE LINKE says that future power-supply needs to be assured through renewable energies.
Environment Minister Gabriel is not reliable, when he on the one hand calls for a change of energy-politics and on the other hand is advocating fossil energy sources.