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Dietmar Bartsch

Government has failed

Dietmar Bartsch, General Secretary of DIE LINKE, declares on the Poverty-Wealth-Report published by the Government:

The growing social gap is the central future-problem for society: this is clarified through this report. Every eights citizen is poor; the gap between rich and poor is growing. More and more people have to pay through one’s nose. Mainly wage-earners, low-income-earners, unemployed people and retirees suffer from the living-costs, especially the high prices for energy. Hartz IV and wage-dumping, children becoming a poverty-risk and threatening old-age-poverty on the one hand; are opposed to exorbitant managerial-salaries, chasing yields, and tax reduction for the wealthy on the other hand.

More and more people live in poverty; at the time the number of millionaires has doubled and is counting now 800000: this is also a result of the ten years SPD- lead government.

By the agenda 2010 and the Hartz acts („reform“of the welfare system), which were enforced by the SPD and the Greens, the door was opened for wage-dumpers.

The grand coalition should end the game of blaming each other and start to make politics for the majority. To actively fight poverty means: to overcome the Hartz IV law, to implement a minimum-wage, to arrange low social-tariffs for energy, to provide a premium education and child-care for free and for all children.