Gregor Gysi: A Greece Euro Exit Would Complete Division of Europe
On the ongoing debates and developments regarding Greece, Gregor Gysi, President of the European Left, declares:
It is true that the Greek, the parliament they voted for, and their government decide on how to deal with the newest screws intended to put on them by Wolfgang Schäuble. It would be better to refrain from well meant advice. An exit of Greece from the euro would complete Schäuble’s work – the division of Europe, including unpredictable risks. Germany, by the way, has not yet payed a single euro to Greece. Therefore, DIE LINKE group in Parliament already by autumn 2015 unanimously decided that this is no possibility for us. The decision still exists and is valid. DIE LINKE will employ all its powers to end the term of the Merkel government and thus its disastrous austerity policy by which the Federal Government engulfed half of Europe in misery. Germany and Europe need a policy change, towards social justice, implementing a plan of rebuilding instead of deconstruction. In Greece, the ongoing programme audit needs to be closed soon, if necessary without the IMF. Long term debt relief for the whole euro zone needs to be implemented immediately, so that Greece too can take control of its destiny again.