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Hartz IV- the government is acting unconstitutionally

Press statement from Klaus Ernst, leader of DIE LINKE at Karl Liebknecht House in Berlin.

It is slowly becoming clear that the government intends to raise the funding for the Hartz IV laws. They clearly wants to increase the basic rate to 370 euros. I want to make it clear that this procedure, and the results it will lead to, are unconstitutional. This is unacceptable and it means that the provisions of the Constitutional Court have in no way been honoured. Even with a standard rate of 370 euros, the current conditions will be continue: Hartz IV is poverty by law for those affected.

We also know that at the same time the government has decided to give communities free reign in determining rates for accommodation. We assume, that the government intends to reduce the alimentation for recipients of the unemployment benefit II as a whole. This is, in our opinion, completely unacceptable.

I would like to point out that the standard rate introduced by Mrs. Nahle, 400 euros, is just as incomprehensible and just as insufficient to meeting the claims of the Federal Court, as that which is currently being planned by the government.

We are therefore calling for a social allieance which would lead to sensible standard rates that conform to the constitution. Furthermore, I call on the SDP and the Greens to consider a judicial review together with us, that will achieve a constitutional set of rules for those receiving unemployment benefits II.