Integration Debate - No playing with fire!
Press statement from Gesine Lötzsch, leader of DIE LINKE at the press conference at Karl Liebknecht House in Berlin.
When Thilo Sarrazin’s book was published, it was justifiably rejected by many. It was however, also claimed that, when the excitement died down, we would finally be able to discuss this issue objectively. This has unfortunately not been the case. If we look at the statements from the weekend, especially that of Mr. Seehofer, the debate about integration is becoming increasingly irrational. I am not surprised that the campaign is starting now, given that in the coming weeks one of the strictest austerity budgets in the history of the Republic of Germany will be decided upon. Certain top politicians have apparently come up with the idea of playing poor Germans and poor immigrants off against each other. This is a very dangerous game to play, it is playing with fire. I can only ask the government, and at the head Angela Merkel, to stop this irrational and dangerous discussion.