Masks thrown off! Resistance!
A message of resistance sent by Neolaia Synaspismou (the Youth of Synaspismos)
Today, pending the announcement of the new prime minister, we decided to send, as Neolaia Synaspismou (the Youth of Synaspismos) and with the participation of students, precarious employees and unemployed people, a message of resistance against the antidemocratic agreement between the reactionary political forces to continue the war against workers and the youth.
They have understood nothing, given that they seem to believe that social rage will be reduced if there is a governmental coalition and a bigger parliamentary majority to ratify their measures.
The new government is merely the desperate last effort of the "ancien regime” to pretend that it does not hear the popular will, as it was expressed in the recent huge demonstrations in 19-20 and 28 October.
For them, democracy is a menace for the "common national benefit” and the elections a very risky procedure. That’s why they appointed a government that, without any popular legitimacy, is called upon to take fundamental decisions that will bind the Greek society for the forthcoming 20 years.
For us, this government is nothing else than the guarantor of unemployment, authoritarianism and suppression, namely of the same policy that is being followed exactly in the same way in more and more countries of the Eurozone. At first it was Greece, Ireland and Portugal; afterwards it was Italy and Spain and now France is ready to follow. It is the policy that tries to transfer the burdens of the crisis to the workers, leaving the capital intact, and always through a national discourse.
All of them are the same people who are afraid of the popular verdict, who do dare to use any kind of undemocratic means to suppress popular struggles, so as they can implement every aspect of the Memorandum.
However, the initiators of this "omertà” between the bankers and the bipartisan system make a mistake; they ignore History. They forget that, whenever governments ignored the people, they were overthrown by the people.
The time has come to give the final blow to a system which is collapsing. No matter which is the choice of the "Memorandum party", the response of the society must be a total smashing of their blackmailing and their policies. The struggle for the overthrow of their policy is the only solution.
We call upon workers, the unemployed, the youth, to hit the streets, in order to defend their rights and overthrow the new government.
No tolerance to the Memorandum and its political exponents. Now it's time for the people to decide!