On the Situation in Catalonia
Resolution of the Party Executive Board of 18. December 2017.
The Executive Board confirms the resolution of the International Committee:
The conflict around Catalan aspirations for independence is a political one which needs to be resolved politically. The unyielding insistence on legal positions and their implementation through repressions will not lead to such a political solution.
DIE LINKE condemns the dismissal of the Catalan government and the detainment of leading supporters of independence and ministers as well as the brutal methods of the Guardia Civil on 1st October. In accordance with Podemos and Izquierda Unida we reject the enforcement of Article 155 of the Spanish constitution.
A democratic process is needed during which the different positions on the issue existing in the Spanish state are openly debated. DIE LINKE supports proposals in this regard by Izquierda Unida and Podemos: to initiate a constitutional process taking into account the plurinational character of Spain which offers the peoples the option of consensual referenda including the necessary guarantees as, for example, held in Scotland. This process should be created such that the result will be acceptable for the great majority of the participants so that the nations will eventually decide for remaining in a federal state. The European Commission and the German government need to give up their one-sided support for Minister President Rajoy in favour of taking the position as mediators.
The enforcement of articel 155 as well as the arrest and continued detainment of relevant Catalan politicans partially influences the preconditions for elections on 21st December. We demand to repeal the warrants and to release all political prisoners.
DIE LINKE wishes to have good relations with all left and progressive organisations and parties in the region irrespective of their position in this conflict.
DIE LINKE does not approve of the building of new states but a democratic debate and decision making about such fundamental social questions needs to be possible.