Profiteers must pay
"We need a 5% tax for millionaires, the burden of the crisis needs to be carried by the rich and wealthy." says Michael Schlecht, trade union speaker. He demands:
A threatening new indebtedness of the State up to 50 billion Euro in 2009 has to be paid, at least partly, by the profiteers of the financial markets. The millionaire-tax entails the conecpt that those who retain assets of above one million Euro are to be taxed in amount of 5%. This would allow the State to gain 80 billion Euro. A conversion to the tax-policy of DIE LINKE, would eventually mean 160 billion more Euro at state disposal. This would allow DIE LINKE more funding for future-investment-programs pretaining to,education, climate protection, infrastructure and many other critical investments.
If the burden of the crisis will not be counter-financed by the wealthy, then the result will be massive cutbacks of social services after the elections in 2009. Only a strong DIE LINKE can stop this.