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Sahra Wagenknecht

Tsipras Defends Democracy in Europe

“Tspiras has made the right decision in letting the Greek people decide on the troika’s renewed demands for austerity measures. The Greek government has saved democracy in Europe by resisting the technocratic troika and Angela Merkel as well as the blackmail of further social devastation. Merkel and Schäuble have overdone themselves and are responsible for the foreseeable collapse of the Eurozone and the loss of countless billions in tax money,“ comments Sahra Wagenknecht on Alexis Tspiras’s announcement to let the Greek people decide on the “offer” of international creditors in a referendum on July 5.

The deputy Party Chair of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE in the Bundestag continues, “The Greek government agreed to extensive compromises, but the creditors demand nothing less than a complete submission. Against all economic reason the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the EU countries continue to stand by the the program of cutbacks that in every respect has failed and caused a humanitarian catastrophe. The continuation of this course of action will not solve the problem but rather let the Greek economy further collapse, increase its mountain of debt and bring more poverty and unemployment to the Greek people. If the Greek people confidently vote “No,” then the continuation of the past few years’ tragedy would be not only prevented. The German taxpayers could be also thankful to the Greek people because a “No” vote would prevent Merkel from continuing to squander billions of Europe’s tax money on a completely failed policy.”