Concerning the issue of the pull-out of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) from Afghanistan, Christine Buchholz, member of the executive board of the party DIE LINKE, demands to withdraw the troops
The Federal Cabinet approved on Wednesday the so-called permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM). DIE LINKE party chair, Gesine Lötzsch, explains further:
"With the fiscal pact Angela Merkel is garrotting Europe, but misses unreasonable saving targets in her own country for miles. This once again confirms the chancellor's and her government's arrogance
"The report of the UN-appointed independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic contains true claims like the one for an end of violence, for a national dialogue and for an
At the present Friday, representatives of several western and Arabian States known as the Friends of Syria group meet in Tunis, among them German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle. To this, member of
According to the federal government, the Greeks may elect who they want provided that they continue to apply the dictates of the troika. Never before has it been so clearly stated that the ruling
On the occasion of the awarding of The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to general Petraeus, Director of the CIA and former commander of the ISAF in Afghanistan, member of the
As to the debates on a resolution on Syria by the UN Security Council, Wolfgang Gehrcke, member of the executive committee of the party DIE LINKE, declares: