„The Minsk II agreement did not fail. It contributed to the pacification of the tight situation in broad areas of the border region between Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, the agreed points should
Today the federal parliament will vote on the prolongation of the Bundeswehr deployment in Turkey as well as sending soldiers to Northern Iraq. To this Christine Buchholz, member of the executive
To the snap elections for Greek parliament taking place on Sunday, the DIE LINKE party chairs, Katja Kipping and Bernd Riexinger, as well as head of the faction in Bundestag, Gregor Gysi, declare:
The Chancellor suddenly strikes a moderate tone towards Greece. Against the background of last weeks’ threatening posture this is implausible says Bernd Riexinger, chairman of DIE LINKE. He declares:
“The government of Ukraine pursues enforced warfare around Donezk. The Ukrainian army is equipped with new weapons primarily delivered by the US. Additionally, special troops like the right-leaning
On 5 December Bodo Ramelow was elected first DIE LINKE minister president in Germany. During the second round he obtained the necessary majority of 46 votes. A majority in parliament demonstrated that
To the results of the so called Refugee’s Summit of federal and Land level in the chancellery Katina Schubert, member of the Executive Board of DIE LINKE, declares: