"The standard rate for children of Hartz-IV families is explicitly too low", stated deputy chair of DIE LINKE Katja Kipping, looking toward tomorrow's coming negotiations before the federal social
"The Federal Government is bidding for a yearly increase of 9 billion Euro for the public investment program. That is less than 0,4 percent. In consideration of the historical dimensions of the
The government board of the party DIE LINKE, voted Lothar Bisky with 87,5 percent to 1st place in the government-roster for the European election. "Lothar Bisky has a very esteemed and authoritative
"We need a 5% tax for millionaires, the burden of the crisis needs to be carried by the rich and wealthy." says Michael Schlecht, trade union speaker. He demands:
Klaus Ernst, deputy chairperson of DIE LINKE, says that the latest data concerning the negative development of actual wages in Germany, is proof for a wrong policy of the Grand Coalition. He pleads